Source code for watts.plugin_mcnp

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 UChicago Argonne, LLC
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import os
import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Tuple

from uncertainties import ufloat

from .fileutils import PathLike
from .fundamental_data import ATOMIC_SYMBOL, ATOMIC_NUMBER, isotopes, atomic_mass
from .plugin import PluginGeneric, _find_executable
from .results import Results

def expand_element(xsdir: Optional[PathLike] = None):
    def expand_element_inner(material: str, default_suffix: str = None) -> str:
        """Expand elements in an MCNP material definition

            String representing material definition
            Cross section suffix used by default if none is provided

            Material definition string with elements expanded

        lines_in = material.split('\n')

        # Note that the 'xsdir' variable is in an enclosing scope -- it gets
        # passed in by PluginMCNP so that each instance of the plugin can
        # uniquely set its own xsdir
        available_nuclides = _get_nuclides_from_xsdir(xsdir)

        lines_out = []
        for line in lines_in:
            # If the line is a comment, don't modify it
            if re.match('^[ ]*[Cc] ', line):

            # Ignore end-of-line comments
            index_comment = line.find('$')
            if index_comment != -1:
                line = line[:index_comment]

            words = line.split()
            i = 0
            while i < len(words):
                # Determine whether line includes start of material card
                if re.match(r'[Mm]\d+', words[i]):
                    start = f'{words[i]:<4} '
                    i += 1
                    start = '     '

                zaid_with_suffix = words[i]
                conc = words[i + 1]
                i += 2

                # Determine ZAID and suffix used
                zaid, *original_suffix = zaid_with_suffix.split('.')

                # If no '.' is present, original suffix is empty. If '.' is present
                # but no suffix afterward, original_surffix has a single empty
                # string. For either of these cases, use the default suffix
                no_suffix = (not original_suffix or not original_suffix[0])
                if no_suffix and default_suffix is not None:
                    suffix = default_suffix
                    suffix = original_suffix[0]

                # Determine Z and A
                if zaid.isalpha():
                    Z = ATOMIC_NUMBER[zaid]
                    A = 0
                    Z, A = divmod(int(zaid), 1000)

                # Split into isotopes if natural element is given
                if A == 0:
                    conc = float(conc)
                    weight_percent = conc < 0
                    symbol = ATOMIC_SYMBOL[Z]

                    # Determine what isotopes to add
                    available_isotopes = available_nuclides.get((Z, suffix), [])
                    natural_isotope_fractions = isotopes(symbol)
                    natural_isotopes = [isotope for isotope, _ in natural_isotope_fractions]
                    missing_isotopes = set(natural_isotopes) - set(available_isotopes)
                    if len(natural_isotopes) == 0:
                        # No natural isotopes, can not expand
                        raise ValueError(
                            f"{zaid_with_suffix} cannot be expanded because it has "
                            "no naturally occurring isotopes.")
                    if len(available_isotopes) == 1:
                        # Case 1 -- only a single isotope available. In this case, all
                        # the concentration goes to that single isotope
                        isotope_fractions = [(available_isotopes[0], 1.0)]
                    elif len(missing_isotopes) == 0:
                        # Case 2 -- all isotopes are available, use as is!
                        isotope_fractions = natural_isotope_fractions
                    elif available_isotopes == ['C0', 'C13']:
                        # Case 3 -- special case in JEFF 3.3 where both elemental C
                        # and isotopic C13 are available
                        isotope_fractions = [('C0', 1.0)]
                    elif len(missing_isotopes) == 1:
                        # Case 4 -- one missing isotope. In this case, lump it into
                        # whatever natural isotope has the highest abundance

                        # Determine which isotope has highest abundance
                        highest_item = max(natural_isotope_fractions, key=lambda x: x[1])
                        highest_index = natural_isotope_fractions.index(highest_item)

                        # Determine index/fraction of missing isotope
                        missing_item, = missing_isotopes
                        missing_index = natural_isotopes.index(missing_item)
                        missing_fraction = natural_isotope_fractions[missing_index][1]

                        # Replace missing isotope with highest abundance one
                        natural_isotope_fractions[highest_index] = (
                            highest_item[0], highest_item[1] + missing_fraction)
                        isotope_fractions = natural_isotope_fractions
                        raise ValueError(
                            f"Could not expand {zaid}; no corresponding isotopes "
                            f"found in xsdir file.")

                    if weight_percent:
                        # Convert molar fractions to mass fractions
                        total = sum([fraction*atomic_mass(isotope)
                                     for isotope, fraction in isotope_fractions])
                        isotope_fractions = [
                            (isotope, fraction/total*atomic_mass(isotope))
                            for isotope, fraction in isotope_fractions

                    for isotope, fraction in isotope_fractions:
                        iso_A = int(*re.match(rf'{symbol}(\d+)', isotope).groups())
                        lines_out.append(f"{start}{Z}{iso_A:03}.{suffix} {conc * fraction}")

                        # Prevent 'm#' from being written multiple times
                        start = '     '
                    lines_out.append(f"{start}{zaid_with_suffix} {conc}")

        return "\n".join(lines_out)

    return expand_element_inner

def _get_nuclides_from_xsdir(path: Optional[PathLike] = None) -> Dict[Tuple[int, str], List[str]]:
    """Determine available nuclides from an MCNP xsdir file.

        Path to xsdir file

        Dictionary mapping (Z, suffix) to a list of available nuclides
    if path is None:
        datapath = os.environ.get('DATAPATH')
        if datapath is None:
            raise EnvironmentError(
                "Need to set DATAPATH environment vairable to determine what "
                "MCNP cross section libraries are available.")
        path = Path(datapath) / 'xsdir'

    # Find 'directory' section
    with open(path, 'r') as fh:
        lines = fh.readlines()
    for index, line in enumerate(lines):
        if line.strip().lower() == 'directory':
        raise RuntimeError("Could not find 'directory' section in MCNP xsdir file")

    # Handle continuation lines indicated by '+' at end of line
    lines = lines[index + 1:]
    continue_lines = [i for i, line in enumerate(lines)
                      if line.strip().endswith('+')]
    for i in reversed(continue_lines):
        lines[i] = lines[i].strip()[:-1] + lines.pop(i + 1)

    # Create list of ACE libraries
    tables = {}
    for line in lines:
        words = line.split()
        if len(words) < 3:

        if not words[0].endswith('c'):

        zaid, suffix = words[0].split('.')
        Z, A = divmod(int(zaid), 1000)
        symbol = ATOMIC_SYMBOL[Z]
        if (Z, suffix) not in tables:
            tables[Z, suffix] = []
        tables[Z, suffix].append(f'{symbol}{A}')

    return tables

[docs] class ResultsMCNP(Results): """MCNP simulation results Parameters ---------- params Parameters used to generate inputs exec_info Execution information (job ID, plugin name, time, etc.) inputs List of input files outputs List of output files Attributes ---------- input_file Rendered MCNP input file keff K-effective value stdout Standard output from MCNP run """ @property def input_file(self) -> str: return self.inputs[0].read_text() @property def keff(self) -> ufloat: with open(self.base_path / 'outp', 'r') as f: for line in f: if line.strip().startswith('col/abs/trk len'): words = line.split() mean = float(words[2]) stdev = float(words[3]) return ufloat(mean, stdev) else: raise ValueError( "Could not determine final k-effective value from MCNP output")
[docs] class PluginMCNP(PluginGeneric): """Plugin for running MCNP In addition to the basic capability to use placeholders in MCNP input files, this class also provides a custom Jinja filter called ``expand_element`` that allows you to specify natural elements in MCNP material definitions and have them automatically expanded based on what isotopes appear in the xsdir file. Parameters ---------- template_file Templated MCNP input executable Path to MCNP executable xsdir Path to the xsdir file used for natural element expansion. Defaults to the file named 'xsdir' under the directory specified by the :envvar:`DATAPATH` environment variable. extra_inputs List of extra (non-templated) input files that are needed extra_template_inputs Extra templated input files show_stdout Whether to display output from stdout when MCNP is run show_stderr Whether to display output from stderr when MCNP is run Attributes ---------- executable Path to MCNP executable execute_command List of command-line arguments used to call the executable """ def __init__( self, template_file: str, executable: PathLike = 'mcnp6', xsdir: Optional[PathLike] = None, extra_inputs: Optional[List[str]] = None, extra_template_inputs: Optional[List[PathLike]] = None, show_stdout: bool = False, show_stderr: bool = False ): executable = _find_executable(executable, 'MCNP_DIR') super().__init__( executable, ['{self.executable}', 'i={self.input_name}'], template_file, extra_inputs, extra_template_inputs, "MCNP", show_stdout, show_stderr, unit_system='cgs') self.input_name = "mcnp_input" # Add custom 'expand_element' Jinja filter self.render_template.environment.filters['expand_element'] = expand_element(xsdir) for renderer in self.extra_render_templates: renderer.environment.filters['expand_element'] = expand_element(xsdir)